Hey look it's Get the Party Started - Calgary's best DJ - NOPE - Chuck Testa...
Friday, October 14, 2011 at 2:19PM

Hey look it's Get the Party Started - Calgary's best DJ - NOPE - Chuck Testa...Ha ha ha! So wicked. Chuck if you're looking for a job as a DJ - DONE! You're hired!

It's been a crazy wedding season and I've been going every weekend since the start of June (except for last weekend) and finishing out the season with 2 weddings this weekend - woo woo! Anyway I've been so busy with everything that the blog has been getting neglected - tiss tiss! Hey look it's a DJ slacking on his blog - NOPE - Chuck Testa!

Article originally appeared on Calgary Wedding DJs (http://getthepartystarted.ca/).
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